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CD Bootlegs  Part 2

jimi hendrix cd bootleg 1969/i don't live today  box cd
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/i don't live today
IMG_5403_modifié.jpgjimi hendrix bootlegs cd / box 1969 :photo
jimi hendrix bootleg 1969/i don't live today box cds
I DON'T LIVE TODAY     Box  CDs 2      ACL 007              1994
At Maple Leaf Gardens' 69  3/5/1969  & I don't Live Today  (studio) 69/70                   
More BOX
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/hendrix busted in toronto
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/hendrix busted in toronto 1969
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/hendrix busted in toronto
HENDRIX  BUSTED IN TORONTO !  (May 3 1969)     VENUE  VE 100502          1995
jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/at the coliseum 1969 jimi hendrix
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/jimi hendrix at the coliseum major tom cd
jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/at the coliseum 1969
AT THE COLISEUM     (May 11 1969)     Major Tom    MT 132        
jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/one night at the arena providence /may 17 1969
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/one night at the arena may 17 1969 providence R.I
jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/one night at the arena may 17 1969/providence
JIMI HENDRIX  ONE NIGHT AT THE ARENA   (May 17 1969)     VENUE  VE 100501         1995
 jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/the roman coliseum may 18 1969
jimi hendrix bootleg cd 1969/the roman coliseum may 18 1969
jimi hendrix cd bootleg 1969/the roman coliseum may 18 1969
JIMI HENDRIX THE ROMAN COLISEUM   (May 18  1969   live at madison suquare garden)         Starquake   SQ 11      1995
jimi hendrix cd bootleg 1969/d'ont miss him this times
jimi hendrix collector cd bootlegs 1969/d'ont miss him this times
JIMI HENDRIX  D'ont Miss Him This Times   Triangles PYCD 096       (May 24  1969)                 1994
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/ live in san diego
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs /live in san diego /black panther  cd
JIMI HENDRIX  Live In San Diego        BLACK PANTHER   BPCD 049       (May 24  1969)                 1994
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd /midnight magic
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/midnight magic neutral zone  1989
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/ cd /midnight magic
JIMI HENDRIX  MIDNIGHT  MAGIC     Neutral Zone  NZCD  89012        (May 24  1969)                 1989
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs/truch and emotion cd
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds/disc 2  truch and emotion
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/cd truch and emotion : disc 2
JIMI HENDRIX  Truth And Emotion          Purple Haze Records   HAZE009    Disc 2     (May 24  1969)                 2005
jimi hendrix bootleg cd /historic  concert vol:2
jimi hendrix bootleg cd/historic concert vol2
jimi hendrix bootleg cd /historic  concert vol:2
JIMI HENDRIX  High Times At San Jose Pop          Midnight Beat   MB CD 050      (May 25  1969)                 1996
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/this guitar on fire
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/this guitar on fire
JIMI HENDRIX       This Guitar On Fire    Black Sun  Music    BSM 001   (May 25  1969)                 1996
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/flaming guitar
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/flaming guitar
JIMI HENDRIX    Flaming Guitar    Rock Calendar Records    RC 2108            (May 25  1969)    1993
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/disc 1 : gimme the glad eye
jimi hendrix  cd bootlegs 1969/gimme the glad eye / disc 2
JIMI HENDRIX    Gimme The Glad Eye     Disc Dwo   DTD 003/2      (June 20  1969)    1990
Ancre 2
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/ wizard's visions
 jimi hendrix bootlegs cd 1969/wizard's visions 1989
JIMI HENDRIX     Wizard's Visions   World Production Of Compact Music  WPOCM CD 0789D026-2                (June 20  1969)    1989
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/more electricity from newsport
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/more electricity from newsport
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/more electricity from newport
JIMI HENDRIX   More Electricity From  Newport   LUNA  Records  LU  9201     (June 20  1969)    1992
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums 1969/newport 1969 pop festival
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums/newport festival / WT at devonshire downs 1969 june 20 & 22
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums/disc 1 at devonshire downs june 20 & 22  1969
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums 1969/disc 2 : at devonshire downs june 20 & 22 1969 pop festival
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums 1969/disc 3 at devonshire downs june 20 & 22 1969
JIMI HENDRIX   Newport  1969 POP Festival   WT 2001023/24/25  At Devonshire Downs     (June 20 & 22  1969)    
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds 1969/ disc 2 : newport 1969jimi hendrix bootlegs cds 1969/ disc 1 : newport 1969 pop festival pop festival
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds 1969/ disc 3 : newport 1969 pop festival
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds /newport 1969 pop festival
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds 1969/ newport 1969 pop festival
jimi hendrix bootlegs cds 1969/newport 1969 pop festival disc 3
JIMI HENDRIX   Newport  1969 POP Festival   Northridge 3 cds        Scorpio 12              (June 20 & 22  1969)    
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albms 1969/two days at newport
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs albums 1969/two days at newport 69
JIMI HENDRIX    TWO DAYS AT NEWPORT     (June 20 & 22  1969)    
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/keep on groovin
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/keep on groovin
KEEP ON GROOVIN   Newport 69    June 20 & 22  1969
jimi hendrix cd boolegs 69/devonshire down 69
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 1969/3 cd set : newport 1969
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/ 3cd set devonshire down 69
jimi hendrx cd bootlegs 69/disc 1 devonshire down 69
jimi hendrix cvd bootlegs 69/disc 3 devonshire down 69
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/ disc 2 devonshire down 69
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/3 cd set devonshire down 69
3 CD SET The Most Complete Version Devonshire Downs 1969        June 20 & 22  1969
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/it' never takes an end...
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/ it' never takes an end ..
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs 69/ it' never takes an end..
IT' NEVER TAKES AN END......   June 22   Newport 69
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/disc 2 improvisation at newport
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/ improvisation at newport
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/ improvisation at newport
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/disc 1 improvisation at newport
IMPROVISATION  AT  NEWPORT   June 22   Newport 69
Ancre 1
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/denver 06.29.69
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/denver 06.29.69
DENVER   06.29.69    June 29          Denver 69
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/the wink of an eye
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album / disc 1 :the wink of an eye
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album / whoopy cat program
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album / disc 1 :the wink of an eye
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album / disc 2 :the wink of an eye
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album / whoopy cat program
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/the wink of an eye
THE WINK OF AN EYE      Whoopy Cat      WKP  0033/34          June 29    1969
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/the black elvis plays america
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/the black elvis plays america
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd album/the black elvis plays america
THE BLACK ELVIS PLAYS AMERICA   Disc 1  Dandelion  DL 096/97       June 29    1969
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd albums/shokan sunrise
jimi hendrix bootlegs cd albums/shokan sunrise
jimi hendrix cd bootlegs album/shokan sunrise
jimi hendrix cd bootleg box album/shokan sunrise
JIMI HENDRIX  SHOKAN  SUNRISE                         July/August    1969

TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . ..

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